Côte Noire - Cognac & Tabacco (Diffuser) SILVER


Notes of bergamot & nutmeg, cedarwood & aged leather finishing in a base of musk, tobacco & cognac.

Verfügbarkeit Auf Lager
Kategorie Côte Noire - Kerzen & Diffusoren

Taking inspiration from provincial village life, we have created a range of full-bodied fragrances combining patisserie favourites with succulent fruits & florals.

The fragrances in the Cote Noire range take inspiration from the idyllic Charente countryside with each scent striving to capture a portrait of traditional French life.

The fragrances encompass patisserie favourites, fragrant teas, succulent fruits and enticing florals.

It has delightful scent when unlit & it will continue to emanate fragrance during the entire burn time.

FragranceCognac & Tobacco / Cognac Et Le tabac

A warm aroma rich in leather & rolled in cigars- the perfect fragrance to round off an evening. Notes of bergamot & nutmeg, cedarwood & aged leather finishing in a base of musk, tobacco & cognac.


Product Specifications:


Bottom Dia (cm)

Top Dia (cm)

Height (cm)

Weight (kg)

150ml Diffuser





Volumen 150 ml

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